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Quicklog authentication


Quicklog authentication

Quicklog authentication

Quicklog authentication ensures that the OTP of one of the tokens assigned to a user is accepted by STA even if a challenge is triggered. When Quicklog is not enabled, STA accepts only the OTP of the challenge-triggered token. This feature works only when pre-authentication rules are configured with [LDAP/AD password validation].

To enable Quicklog authentication:

  1. On the STA Token Management console, select the Comms tab, expand the Authentication Processing module, and then select Multi-Mode Authentication Settings.

  2. Select the Allow Quicklog authentication when Challenge-Response or Push OTP is triggered checkbox.

  3. Click Apply.


Example: Quicklog and pre-authentication rules

The following sample shows the effect of Quicklog mode when pre-authentication rules are applied, including challenge-response (CR) mode and Quicklog (QL) mode.

Always validate the LDAP/AD password. If LDAP/AD authentication fails, reject the authentication. If LDAP/AD authentication succeeds, enforce a challenge prompt for a manual trigger.

Authentication Case Quicklog disabled Quicklog enabled
With Pre-Auth Rule  
User has AD pwd and SMS (CR) token Challenge after AD validation Challenge after AD validation
User has AD pwd and MPP (QL) Error after AD validation Challenge after AD validation
User has AD pwd and Push MPP (QL) *1 (Automatic trigger) Push received after AD validation Push received after AD validation
User has AD pwd and SMS (CR) and Push MPP (QL) (Automatic trigger) Push received after AD validation Push received after AD validation
User has AD pwd and Push MPP (QL) *1 (Manual trigger) Empty challenge received, enter OTP from MPP or trigger PUSH Empty challenge received, enter OTP from MobilePASS+ or trigger Push. The challenge can be processed through existing valid SMS token.
User has AD pwd and SMS (CR) and Push MPP (QL) (Manual trigger) Empty challenge received, enter OTP from MPP or trigger PUSH. The SMS feature doesn't work. Empty challenge received, enter OTP from MPP or trigger PUSH. The challenge can be processed through new or existing valid SMS token.
User has AD pwd and SMS (CR) and non-Push MPP (QL) Challenge after AD validation but AUTH fails with MPP passcode Challenge after AD validation and AUTH succeeds with MPP passcode
Without Pre-Auth Rule (Authentication triggers on blank passcode field)
SMS (CR) token Challenge Challenge
MPP (QL) Error Error
Push MPP (QL) Push received Push received
SMS (CR) and Push MPP (QL) Push received Push received
SMS (CR) and non-Push MPP (QL) Challenge but AUTH fails with MPP passcode Challenge and AUTH succeeds with MPP passcode

*1: Push is sent on providing AD password, on approving the request authentication is successful. The NtRadping tool, in this case, does not show a challenge, but waits for authentication to complete.